Happy Birthday to my mother- the woman who not only gave me life, but also many of the various traits we share that make me- well, me... They include my smile, my love of almost all music, the perfectionist side of my personality, my sense of justice and fairness, how I get "punchy" when sleep-deprived, my need for honesty, and my ability to give "THE LOOK" (Famous to all who truly know her) :-). She is also behind such well-known phrases in our family as "goals, goals, goals", "that is unacceptable", "let's team-up", and "you can do anything for ..."(insert some seemingly impossible amount of time here). I smile every time I hear them- and even catch them coming out of my own mouth sometimes.
Thanks, Mom. I hope you had a good time tonight, and a really great birthday.

P.S. This is the demure look my mother has when being tolerant of her son-in-law who has just turned her birthday cake into a flaming blow-torch. Gotta love family.
that was sweet!!!
Emily, I dont know how you will know I left this post. I dont understand these things. Ross gave me your site address. I hope you dont mind. It was so nice of you to let us know about Helen. I always like Helen so much. She is a sweetheart. I did know of Evlyn's passing. I heard that on the radio, probably the next day. I would very much like to stay in touch with you and with your mother if she would like. She and I used to have some good talks. I miss that. Please wish her a happy birthday belatedly for me. I had forgotten we had birthdays close together. Please tell her I would like to keep in touch. I would like to leave my email addy, but dont know if that is allowed here. I would also send her my phone number. Laurie Griswold
Laurie, it would be great to stay in touch with you! I had totally lost track of you, but have thought about you many, many times. Emily can give you my e-mail address to get us started! Love, Barb
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