Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday!

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007

The picture above is probably one of those snapshots that, while nothing spectacular, will be treasured for years because it captures the moment so well.
Here are a few other shots from the day...


This last one is from outside the fabric store at 5:30 in the morning. (You would not believe the line outside there that early. Crazy!) They opened at 6:00, and had a great sale I just couldn't pass up. It was our last stop before going home. I waited in line for an hour and a half (and I was only about six people back). In retrospect, it probably wasn't worth it, had I known ahead of time. But got some stuff I needed to finish some presents!

I'm so thankful for all the blessings I have been given! Even those I don't even know about... Here are some of my favorites (both large and small):
1) Family- Both those assigned and chosen
2) Love
3) A Warm Home
4) Dreams
5) Health
6) Peace in our corner of the world
7) Coffee
But seriously, may we always pray for and remember those not blessed as we have been- there but for the grace of God, go I...
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Day in the Middle...
Today is the day of recovery, and preparation. Yesterday was a bit of a marathon, and we're getting ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow, more company, and the other necessary holiday preparations.
Yesterday was the memorial service for my great-aunt, Evlyn, who passed away last Monday. She was one of "The Aunts". They are the sisters of my grandmother, all of whom I love dearly. They are all dignified, well-cultured, have impeccable taste, and are funny and sweet. I adore them. Evlyn was 96, and up until very recently still went for walks quite often, exercised "with the lady on TV" daily, and was still very fashion conscious. She was friendly, brilliant, and made me laugh.

I think the shower went well- people seemed to have a good time, anyway. Truthfully, I was a bit numb by the end (so probably not the best hostess), but all were close friends- so I think it was comfortable. My one regret is that I got busy and didn't take photos. Here is a bit of the aftermath, though (the pom-poms hung at varying heights from the ceiling, thanks to Chris)... We also finally got the dining room painted. Chocolate brown- not quite as dark in person, will be perfect once we get the mouldings up.

Also here is the dry-erase board, and bathroom (it's not done yet- but at least functional :-) Yeah!)
Yesterday was the memorial service for my great-aunt, Evlyn, who passed away last Monday. She was one of "The Aunts". They are the sisters of my grandmother, all of whom I love dearly. They are all dignified, well-cultured, have impeccable taste, and are funny and sweet. I adore them. Evlyn was 96, and up until very recently still went for walks quite often, exercised "with the lady on TV" daily, and was still very fashion conscious. She was friendly, brilliant, and made me laugh.

The drive home...

I think the shower went well- people seemed to have a good time, anyway. Truthfully, I was a bit numb by the end (so probably not the best hostess), but all were close friends- so I think it was comfortable. My one regret is that I got busy and didn't take photos. Here is a bit of the aftermath, though (the pom-poms hung at varying heights from the ceiling, thanks to Chris)... We also finally got the dining room painted. Chocolate brown- not quite as dark in person, will be perfect once we get the mouldings up.

Also here is the dry-erase board, and bathroom (it's not done yet- but at least functional :-) Yeah!)

Thursday, November 15, 2007
'Welcome Kealy' Party Preparations
We're having a "Welcome to the World, Kealy Marie" party/shower at our house on Tuesday night, so preparations/construction are in full swing today. Here are some of the current project photos:
Inspiration Paper for Shower

My Kitchen Right Now- (Needs more painting before the party, but I'm loving it right here.)

Materials for Dry-Erase Board in Kitchen (Have it planned out- hope it works!)

Then here's one I'm just loving because it's fall
Inspiration Paper for Shower

My Kitchen Right Now- (Needs more painting before the party, but I'm loving it right here.)

Materials for Dry-Erase Board in Kitchen (Have it planned out- hope it works!)

Then here's one I'm just loving because it's fall

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Progress- November 13, 2007

HOUSTON, WE HAVE A LIGHT!!! Yes that's right, no more trying to use the restroom in the dark, or relying on a desk lamp. Oh no, my friend, we have actual hard-wired electricity with a switch and everything. Like I said in my last post, we are so blessed.
When we were in the heat of remodeling last fall/winter, Chris and I agreed that the comfort-necessities to live in a home were as follows in no particular order: (1) Flushing Toilets, (2) Running water- preferably with the option of hot water, (3) Heat, (4) At least some walls.
Everything else is gravy. Trust me, it's really true. But how sweet that gravy can be!
Last night Chris' dad came over and helped. Plumbing work, I think. Thank you so much! So- here's to the gravy of having a second functional bathroom. Just makes me happy...
Monday, November 12, 2007
We're Finally Connected to the Outside World!

Thursday, November 8, 2007
For the Love of Paint
I have long had this incredible fascination with color. Seriously. (Probably a good indication of why I majored in Interior Design in college- that and I had an all-beige bedroom for most of my childhood) It's a little insane, really. This fascination is most often lived out in paint, at this point in my life. What else makes such impact for so little? It can be an instant mood-lifter, room-brightener, and therapy tool.
I love how a such small investment can make such a difference- that can last for years, or easily change on a whim. I love how it makes one's home seem so much cozier and more personal. I love that the same product (generally speaking) , can protect surfaces, give clear direction, beautify our nest, and has given us some of the greatest art of all time. It's been around practically forever, yet is changing all the time.
As you can see in the background, we're finally finishing up on painting phase 1 in our kitchen. Thank you, Sherwin Williams, for the $3.00 mis-tint. LOVE that! More photos to come. For now I have more painting to do, as I want to be as done as possible for the "Happy Birthday to Us" party tomorrow.
So Happy Belated Birthday, Sarah & Holly- two of the dearest friends in the world! Tomorrow will be a blast.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
And They All Said, "Welcome Home..."

Today, Chris' great aunt, Elizabeth Bishop (Aunt Betty to us), went home and met Jesus.
On the drive home from the nursing home, I asked Chris what he thought it will be like to go to Heaven. I personally think a bright, sunny fall day when the air is clean and crisp would be a wonderful time (if you were allowed to see it for a split second as you traveled, of course). Not that there could possibly be a time that wasn't wonderful- but, you know what I mean... I just think a day like today would be especially perfect after being bed-ridden and ill for so long. Then flying off through a sea of twinkling stars, to meet our Savior, face to face. Wow...
Like the song says, I can only imagine what that will be like. Makes one pause, feel wistful, and maybe even a bit homesick.
I just like to think that when she got there, that the Lord, the angels, and her loved ones all opened their arms and said, "Welcome home, Betty, welcome home..."
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hello, and welcome to my blog- the place where I record the thoughts, events, photos, and the random miscellany that makes up my everyday life. Please feel free to comment. I hope you enjoy...
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