I am pleased to announce that Chris and I have officially entered the 21st century- the information age... the world of education, entertainment, and communication. Today, the cable guy came and hooked up both cable and internet. YEAH!!! We are so excited, having felt out of the loop for way too long. I know this shows how truly dependent we have become- not to mention overly pampered. After all, there are so many people in the world so much less fortunate. We are so thankful for all our blessings- no matter how insignificant...
You make me giggle...God has truly blessed us with having us live during this time of plenty...all we need is HIM and HE gives us more. Enjoy your new blessings! I am happy for you.!!!
Yeah, I am so glad you have e-mail and internet at home! Maybe my e-mails will get to you before I do now :)
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