HOUSTON, WE HAVE A LIGHT!!! Yes that's right, no more trying to use the restroom in the dark, or relying on a desk lamp. Oh no, my friend, we have actual hard-wired electricity with a switch and everything. Like I said in my last post, we are so blessed.
When we were in the heat of remodeling last fall/winter, Chris and I agreed that the comfort-necessities to live in a home were as follows in no particular order: (1) Flushing Toilets, (2) Running water- preferably with the option of hot water, (3) Heat, (4) At least some walls.
Everything else is gravy. Trust me, it's really true. But how sweet that gravy can be!
Last night Chris' dad came over and helped. Plumbing work, I think. Thank you so much! So- here's to the gravy of having a second functional bathroom. Just makes me happy...
Yeah !!!! I know how you feel, having lived in my house while remodeling. It is always so exciting to get even one little thing done! Can't wait to see the finished product!
One step closer...I love your writing BTW, it is so YOU! Keep it up.
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