Hotel in Chicago: Lovely, and not smelly (after they switched our room because of a sewer-gas /plumbing problem). Isn't the caption of the second photo true of just about everything? I was tempted to steal the sign, but didn't. Promise.

Got to see the photos from Mike & Bekah's wedding

Photos from the plane (Some of them made me feel like an astronaut! Denise, I thought of you almost the whole time):

Couldn't believe we were actually IN CALIFORNIA!!!

As John Wayne was born in my parents' home-town, it was especially important to get a photo of 'him'...

First palm trees we saw- growing in the airport. Palm trees... Love that. Bekah and I waited underneath them while Mom got the rental car figured out. It was rough, let me tell you.

The best $40.00 you'll ever spend on a trip (Oh the stories...) :

This photo was taken after diving across the back-seat while racing down the freeway, and someone yelling, "Emily, Look!!!"

How sweet of you to think of me when flying!!! Those were such good aerial photos--so clear I could hear and smell the plane and feel the window glass against my forehead as I always try to see it allllll. The pictures make me feel warm on this soooo cold day.ahahh
Great photos Em! The ones from the plane were AWESOME!
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